Jun 23Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Share your truth however works for you - that works for us!

My happy place is the back deck, cozy chair, small yard, jasmine, birds, and sunshine.

This quote has been going around for a while and works for me, as I’m actively anti-Trump and I’m more and more terrified about what will happen if he is elected. So I support our less-than-ideal President Biden.

“Voting isn’t marriage, it’s public transport. You’re not waiting for “the one” who’s absolutely perfect: you’re getting the bus, and if there isn’t one to your destination, you don’t not travel- you take the one going closest.”

Trump is a bus to hell, especially for the vulnerable. And not voting can change all of our lives irreparably, for decades.

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wow i love this analogy, thanks for sharing. and i agree!

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Jun 23Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I feel like I want to slip into one of those dilapidated Adirondacks chairs, prop my feet up on the gas fire pit, and chat until the sun comes up with you 💜

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My god that beckoned. Love you.

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Allure?? 🫨

Aversion! Abhorrence!

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Jun 25Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Happy is everywhere but the tech or mech closets! Even(t) laundry spot is satisfying!!

I’m not seeing the Allure. What does that take? Overwhelmed with Aversion!

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Jun 24Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I'm so with you, both in your thoughts and in your chairs! The support of Trump and the people selling their souls in joining him frightens me.

So, I go to my rickety chaise lounge with the new cushion on the tiny screen porch on our tiny screen cabin. There's only local radio and I get steeped in local news with only a sprinkling of anything else in the world. There is no wifi so my life is slow and simple - easy food, good books, walks in the woods, gazing at the small lake. The birds keep me company and sometimes a moose, rarely a bear. I can feel myself reset and coming home, five hours away, is okay because I have nourished myself to pick up and do what must be done to keep our future from sliding into this chasm of hate and spite.

I may be at the cabin a lot this year...

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I love it Mary. You drew quite a compelling picture 🙏🏽

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Jun 23Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Countries don’t really recover from being taken over by unstable authoritarian nationalists of any political bent, left or right—not by Peróns or Castros or Putins or Francos or Lenins or fill in the blanks. The nation may survive, but the wound to hope and order will never fully heasl. Ask Argentinians or Chileans or Venezuelans or Russians or Italians—or Germans. The national psyche never gets over learning that its institutions are that fragile and their ability to resist a dictator that weak.

Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker

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thank you for this. the national psyche is ethereal yet somehow so tangible. enduring yet fragile. always there, invisible, bearing the scars of it all.

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Jun 23Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Hi Julie - I like way you think and write - truth to power. I also like that you spent some time on a road trip with your family and dear heart of a mother. Love from Palisades!

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Thanks Jacquie!

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