Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Thank you for sharing your perspective. I love hearing what you are thinking and feeling about these events that will shape our lives for years to come. Personally, I am still trying to process what really happened last night. With Trump being able to spew his alternative facts and braggadocio with no fact checking -- he is unstoppable.

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right? like we're all worried about maybe our guy isn't quite up to the task while Trump confidently spews abject lies, like, the opposite of truth, like, what is truth anymore (does it exist) if he can't be fact checked and contradicted in real time?

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

And when many Americans (40 %) receive their news from Fox, there is no way for them to know that Trump is lying. That is why I am scared.

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Thank you for a "glimmer of hope". I was very crestfallen after the debate last night.

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yep me too Darcy. go and watch how he was in Raleigh today. like, himself again.

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Of course we dems want to vote Blue, but after seeing the performance of Biden last night, I am not sure if I want to vote for him. Clearly he is a better choice for America over a liar/criminal, but truly the irony is that we have no succession plan for him built in last few years! We knew he was only getting older, and now his cognitive abilities are visibly impaired. Didn't we know this was coming?!!

Would you hire a person like this for CEO job or a large corporate, or anything else? Then how are we ready to give him the highest level job for the greatest democracy in the world?

Joe might be the best grandpa and country loving person, but not up for President anymore. Stop saving his reputation. Denial is the biggest issue in anything, and just saying look how well he did today, doesn't solve the actual root cause.

We need a Swap, and find a new candidate in next 16 weeks, and dems need to gather up the courage to save this country from Trump!

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but don't we have a vice president for this very reason? i mean should he be incapable, isn't that when Kamala steps up?

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Biden is old but trustworthy and competent, even at his age. Trump is dangerous, full stop.

MOSF 19.4: “Joe is a Weak Palestinian”: Trump’s Racism and Toxic Masculinity Are Unconditionally Disqualifying https://eastwindezine.com/mosf-19-4-joe-is-a-weak-palestinian-trumps-racism-and-toxic-masculinity-are-unconditionally-disqualifying/

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I decided not to watch mainly because I can’t stand the sight of Trump, nor can I stand hearing his voice, his lies. I wonder if President Biden being in the proximity of such a horrible person, a literal force of evil, caused him to be off his game. 🧐 I will always vote for love, kindness and humanity, no matter what.

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i know, i wondered that too. like how can you not look shellshocked when this narcissistic liar keeps spewing his garbage as if it's truth. like, where do you even START.

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I did not stop crying until I found the speech President Biden's lmade less that 24 hours after the (so called) debate. Biden is the perfect person to defend our democracy from a sociopath who would like to chnage our society from one where we live under the rule of law to a county where we live under the rule of the ruler.

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these are really emotional times Mary. so glad that speech in Raleigh helped you see Biden in a better light.

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I really don’t know as what I have read Is that She is more concerned about women having their own spaces even if you identity as one. We as women need to feel safe. Being an athlete I am concerned that The fastest runner, swimmer, cyclists in women sports in the US are biological men and Biden Administration is dismantling Title IX August 1st to include gender identity.

Females, teens and young women identifying as men went up 4000% requesting cross examination hormones and surgery as reported in the Cass Report at the largest gender clinic Tavistock in the UK (now closed)This is statistically impossible - I believe it’s a combo of social contagion, misogyny and homophobia.! Lastly most of the young people identifying as trans are reported to be up 60% to be on the spectrum- treatment and surgeries cause sterility. Here is a small study on trans men after five years of testosterone becoming like post menopausal women in their late 20s- https://www.peaktrans.org/trans-men-becoming-postmenopausal-in-their-20s/

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Jun 29Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

We watched the debate and it was terrifying. Content-wise, it was Biden all the way. Visuals tho - the conman was lying constantly but looked energetic and clear-headed. I fear that with no fact-checks, undecided people may fall for it. I sure hope we can turn this around by November!

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there are so many people "falling for it." coming under his spell. it's terrifying i agree.

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I appreciate you and your writing but I am feeling politically homeless as I believe women are losing their civil rights under the Democrats too- sports, prisons, lesbian only bars, sororities, La Leche League, rape centers even in language being referred to as birthing people or menstruaters or federal judges being unable to define what a woman is. JK Rowling is absolutely correct and I accepted that she was awful for a while until I read precisely what she wrote. I don’t know what the answer is but I can’t unsee what the future holds if we continue on this path. I thought to forward this to you - https://open.substack.com/pub/luketharrington/p/i-was-a-girly-boy-im-relieved-to?r=505il&utm_medium=ios

I think Joe should step down

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thank you MW.

i hear you on the erasure of the term "woman" which i find really problematic too (i don't want any set of people to be erased to make room for others to join; i just want to make it possible for others to join).

i may be in a different place from you about JK Rowling (not knowing what you agree with vis a vis her...) cuz having known so many trans people who are alive and whole and full only because they were able to transition i am a trans-supporter. how does Rowling feel about trans-men?

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