Dec 25, 2023Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Wonderful Post Julie!

We have shared Easter egg coloring with you and your family and it is lovely to get an update.

Good to see your mom too, looking good. She was in our writing group and we miss her. We are still meeting on zoom and occasionally in person.

Sending you all love.

Anne Rutherdale

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Thank you Anne. I'll let mom know that the group is still meeting. She might love to reconnect! Can you email me your cell as that's the best way for her to connect these days (my email is me@lythcott-haims.com)

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Just reading this post - I love it! The memories of trees, ornaments, smug cats and squirrels. Re-remembering that in our own new world away from home we may have missed key transitions. How do we reassure our children that we both hope for them to travel, find their path, be independent and that they will always have a room, a place in our home. ❤️

“I hang this ornament as a prayer to my sweet child to say that no matter where you are, you belong here too, always, and that this nest we’ve made together remembers and longs for you. Even as you go, which is what we want you to do.” Thank you for your words to help me understand and translate my feelings.

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