Jul 9Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

How does that make me feel? Frustrated. Frightened. Horrified. Disgusted. I want to throw up. I'm a member of more than one of those groups. My millennial kids, those +. I'm seriously thinking about a (temporary?) escape to a popular expat city in Mexico. The hubs says we must stay and fight, but I'm guessing Jews in Germany and elsewhere thought the same. The Dems appear hellbent on running a diminished candidate who, IMO, will not win. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

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yep. and it's such a privilege to pick up and leave. when does self-preservation overrule being a part of a community? looking back on history (e.g. Jews pre WW2) i admire those who were able to read the signs and had the drive, hutzpah, means, and/or connections to GET OUT.

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Last night I attended a powerful, well-researched and truly frightening talk on Race & Christian Nationalism sponsored by the Reparations Project. https://reparationsproject.org/ The speaker, Brian Onishi, hosts the Straight White American Jesus (SWAJ) podcast and, as you might guess from his name, has some Japanese heritage. He was brilliant and engaging and informed — and it was hard to swallow the statistics he presented about what these people want for our country (ie, literally a dictator and a return to 1950s culture — the era they claim was when America used to be “great.” This, of course, was pre-Roe v. Wade, interracial marriage, women in the workplace, no-fault divorce, LGBTQ rights of any kind, etc.). I find myself shaking my head frequently, unable to fathom how any human in their right mind could want to go backwards, away from these freedoms. Seriously, WTF is wrong with people???

On another note, there was an older man at Trader Joe’s yesterday (near the intersection of which you write) who was actually wearing a red MAGA hat. Here. In Palo Alto. In public. My heart sank for the non-white young man who had to check this guy out and bag his groceries. How must it feel to do this for someone who is virtually staring you in the face and saying “I hate you and all that you are”? I wanted to wrap my arms around that young man and tell him, “I see you, and you are important.” I will say that loudly with my vote and will do whatever I can to make sure our country does not fall prey to this narcissistic criminal trying to make us “great” again.

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Yes, I am beyond frightened. And I feel helpless. Perhaps not as helpless as others who will likely be the first targeted. Not sure what my escape will be. Europe?

The gathering place in my 'hood is the area that is notorious for having been the site of CHOP in 2020. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Occupied_Protest

I visited CHOP every day for about two weeks, and then it felt unsafe. At the beginning it was like a city fair with an edge. Then it turned chaotic.

Interestingly, I don't see any protesters in my neighborhood sounding the alarm about what is happening at a national level.

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Always the labels and the "othering" by people blind to their own "otherness" makes me ill. Each individual has a contribution to make to this world and needs a chance to express such through the nuturingn of their talents. So why does hate dominate the airways, giving it power and instilling fear? While I do not want to bury my head about the evils of society, I wish to amplify the good and bring love back to humans as our centering and then have that spread to supporting the members of our communities - and we are part of many communities, not just the ones we live in. Our values and basic needs are so alike when hate is put aside. My heart bleeds for that which I have not experienced and my support is to rally to my friends and organizations who have been assualted by another's view of them; I cannot abide nor stand by when people are in pain.

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We must remain vigilant!


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I cannot believe that trump supporters feel comfortable to put up e table at the coif Embarcadero and El Camino.

Yet we will show them in November.

We are an intelligent community.

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I found this offering from Robert Riech helpful (link below). I wish the Dems would find another candidate, even though Biden has done wonders these past four years -- both nationally and internationally. However, if that is not to be the case, we'll have to dig deep anyway and get as many people on board the Democracy Express as possible. Taking action where we can best have an effect. I participated in phone banks for Obama and will do the same for Biden.


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