Jul 8Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I agree with Karen - the only people he will listen to are Jill and Hunter, and apparently they both love the power of the White House. Why hasn't anyone aired an interview with Jill? Biden has the chance to be a hero right now, and to go out looking golden and on top, putting the good of the country before his personal desires. Every day he waits, he looks worse, both figuratively and literally. If he doesn't step down, and he loses, he will look like a selfish idiot. If he doesn't step down and he wins, he likely cannot complete another 4 years and will look like a fool for trying to convince us that he was capable.

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

It is profoundly sad to witness Biden's cognitive decline - and even sadder to see that Jill is more than complicit in propping him up and assuring him that he should not back down. Until Jill tells him Joe should step aside, Joe will not allow for the Dems to pick a new candidate. Jill is presumably not cognitively impaired -- and if she loves Joe and her country she will advise him to save what is left of his reputation as a statesman. Time is running out!

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sometimes love makes us blind

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I just read an article on your substack from a treasured friend, and liked it so much that I subscribed. Very happy to have "met" you, and I look forward to a long, intelligent and warm relationship!

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yay! welcome, kate. feel free to peruse all the articles which are linked off the main page. hope you find more that aligns with ya, and thanks so much for subscribing!

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Thank you. My BFF Sheila Miller sent me your article. We are of like- mind. I’m a retired Clinical Social Worker from Washington, D.C. My husband died of Alzheimer’s last November, so I have “seen a few rodeos!” Biden definitely suffers from cognitive decline, and I am told only speaks in public using a teleprompter. He obviously did not have one during the debate, but will have one available at all times during his campaign. I do hope he will decide not to run, but that’s doubtful. At some point he will be unable to use the teleprompter. Very 😢

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well thank Sheila for me. i'm so sorry to hear that you lost your husband last November, and under such tough circumstances. bet you saw a LOT. sad to think of where this could end up, for Biden, his family, and the COUNTRY if we don't act now. last thing he'd want is to be known as the president who didn't know enough to step aside rather than for his tremendous list of accomplishments.

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Hi Julie, I wonder what you think about this idea of a "mini-primary" during the Democratic convention? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/07/opinion/biden-jim-clyburn-democrats.html?unlocked_article_code=1.5U0.4_yE.KMWoyZIgR1Yu&smid=url-share

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i like "mini-primary" but i'm not seeing Klein or Clyburn advocating for it to happen during he convention. looks like they want it to happen now. Klein says the contest would be good for Dems in part bc "constant media coverage from here until their convention". but then a quoted delegate implies it would happen during the convention. i like the idea of him announcing now and then the various contenders having six weeks to assemble messaging, have a few debates, do a lot of polling, and let the conventioneers decide it.

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

I saw this -- and yes I like the idea!

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Jul 8Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims


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Actually, I’m sure my mother did know in the beginning, which is why she was so very angry and a challenge for everyone.

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interesting. knew enough to know what was happening, and to rail against it. i get that. i'd probably behave the same way. i'm not the "go graciously" type... 😬

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Jul 7Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Thank you for that tough love, Julie. As someone who flew across the country to take my elderly FIL’s car keys at a moment’s notice after a way too close call, I get how painful this is. In our family’s case, my MIL’s life, as well as strangers on the road, were at risk. In our country’s case, democracy is at stake if Biden loses. Both he and Trump should be required to be evaluated by extensive neuro competence testing (as described by Sanjay Gupta) and results should immediately be made public. It gives me no pleasure but is as clear as day.

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thank you for sharing that tough story, Rachel. and good on you for making that painful but necessary decision.

the longer we live/age - thanks to modern medicine - the more we have to grapple with the "and yet..." piece of it. i keep hearing from people in their 80s that Biden is fine. come on folks. i think many are not able to appreciate the facets of natural decline they themselves could be experiencing and that will likely come find us all.

agree with you on extensive neuro competence testing. we could've used it with Reagan for sure!

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Jul 9Liked by Julie Lythcott-Haims

Thank you, Rachel, for post. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you to take your FIL’s keys. However, your family ACTED with awareness of the outcome of what could happen to himself, his wife, and others! You also did not wait—denying, handwringing, or having endless family debate about it!

Much has to change about vetting candidates for the Presidency! Extensive physical, mental, and emotional examination must be done by a neutral team of physicians. Neuro competence for both Trump and Biden is a brilliant idea. If they refuse, they cannot run. Period.

I clearly remember the investigative article that came out about Reagan. It was entitled something like, “The Lights are Out in the White House.” I was shocked and sickened by it. And very angry.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was seriously impaired toward the end of his presidency. Eleanor was basically running the country!

I am 72. I am calling out my fellow elderly Baby Boomers (and older) in both parties who are arrogantly and foolishly clinging to power. We all have our “days in the sun.” Bow out with grace and dignity, and open the doors to all the talented, skilled and creative individuals who want to lead our country!

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i appreciate your perspective Susan, particularly given that you're speaking to your fellow elderly Boomers and older in both parties. The Reagan thing was horrendous.

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The most important thing we can do is use our vote for the betterment of the country and our citizens. That means critically thinking about the issues and removing emotions for the candidate that aligns with the values of our country. Also, in finding the backbone to return the heart and soul to our country; I live in fear of the November outcome and what each day in between brings us.

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